I do remember the day when Becky Lynch walked in and asked for work, unfortunately, I can’t remember the exact date, summer of 2010 it was. She walked through the door and in her thick Dublin accent asking if there were any jobs going. Being from the same place as myself the conversation was comfortable and came very naturally.
Becky Lynch Always Knew She Was Going Into Wrestling
I always ask people when interviewing possible new members of staff, “what’s the goal, what’s the ambition”, without hesitation Rebecca replied “I’m going to be a wrestler in the WWE.” That honestly got my attention, at this stage I may have noticed her physique and thought that if I maybe didn’t give her the job she would drop me on my head and we know she easily had the ability for that. I remember thinking that what impressed me the most was that this woman had serious enthusiasm and drive if she was eventually going to get what she wanted (WWE notoriety not full time at Hibernia). I knew that she wasn’t going to get into the WWE the next day, so selfishly in my mind I knew that we’d have a solid hire for a good amount of time knowing how transient our industry can be.

Anyhow, in all honesty, it was her personality that landed her the job; being from my hometown was a bonus for sure, but Hibernia and the Hibernia team are all about making people feel like they are at home.
Hibernia For One
Our goal is for Hibernia to just be an extension of our customers living room and we are always working to make sure that every one of our customers feels like they are a part of our ever-growing family, and Rebecca, she had that thing. She knew naturally how to talk to people, make them feel comfortable and above all she knew how to make anyone feel welcome when they walk into that door with 401 W. 50th above it.
Unfortunately, I broke my leg and ankle pretty bad maybe the 2nd shift the future Champ worked and my return to work was her going away party. I did get amazing feedback on how she became part of the Hibernia family, customers and staff loved her alike.
Rebecca Quinn or “Quinnderella” as she was lovingly dubbed by a lot of the staff and customers will always have a special place in the hearts of everyone associated with Hibernia.
Long Live the Champ!! #tiocfaidh #Ireland